Zambia Mission – New York

The United Nations

Zambia joined the United Nations on December 1, 1964, about a month after gaining independence. Zambia has a Permanent Mission to the UN, with headquarters on 237 East 52nd Street, New York City. The Permanent Representative is Dr. Chola Milambo who is deputized by Mrs Regina C. Boma Phiri.

The United Nations, an international grouping of independent countries from all parts of the globe, has 193 members.

It was formed to promote international peace, security and cooperation among member nations. Its membership consists of original members – (those states which signed the Washington Declaration in 1942 or took part in the UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco in 1945, and signed and ratified the Charter in accordance with the prescribed procedure) and those states subsequently accepted as members in accordance with the procedures of the Charter.

There are many benefits that are drawn from being members of the UN such as aid and assistance and economic development of the country through having access to loans from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Membership to the UN is open

to all peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the Charter and in the judgment of the UN, are able and willing to carry them out. The admission of new members is dependent on the approval of the General Assembly on recommendations of the Security Council.

The UN is based on the principle of the Sovereign Equality of all its member states. Some of the principles, among others, are that all members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and justice are not endangered.